Cloud advice

Azure Virtual Desktop – Secure and Scalable with Entra ID and Intune

This blog post is based on the presentation given by Dave Cook in our Jisc Cyber Community in April 2024. Who is this blog aimed at: IT Teams who administer and are responsible for Cloud estates and the security of them. What is the purpose of the blog: To help member/customer IT teams understand the […]

Cloud advice

Azure Virtual Desktop has a new scaling solution

Microsoft have recently announced the Preview of Autoscale for Azure Virtual Desktop and at first blush it looks like native scaling has had some much-needed improvements. The previous incarnation was a little clumsy, requiring you to independently create an automation account, an Azure function and optionally, a Log Analytics Workspace. In addition, any parameters then […]

Cloud advice

Securing Azure Virtual Desktop

With the start of the pandemic last year, and the huge increase of working from home that it prompted, Azure Virtual Desktop (or Windows Virtual Desktop as it was then) became an important tool for providing a wide variety of applications to remote users. Ostensibly AVD is easy and quick to deploy, meaning environments can […]