Case studies

The Courtauld: Seamless transition to lower cost cloud provision

The Courtauld works to advance how we see and understand the visual arts, as an internationally renowned centre for the teaching and research of art history and a major public gallery. Founded in 1932, the organisation has been at the forefront of the study of art ever since. In January 2021 The Courtauld decided to […]

Service announcements

An introduction to the OCRE Cloud Framework and onboarding to AWS

Cloud advice

Learn – the pathway to the cloud!

Even though the pandemic has accelerated cloud adoption through 2020 into 2021, the leading cloud providers recognised the potential and benefits of the cloud long before the events of the last twelve months; they have been planning for some time now. They are preparing the future workforce is ready to help them realise the potential […]

Case studies

Jisc consultancy helps ucisa achieve fully portable cloud IT

Jisc’s cloud solutions team worked to migrate ucisa’s systems to Microsoft’s public cloud infrastructure, using both Azure and Office 365. The migration meant that ucisa now uses public cloud infrastructure for email, membership application, accountancy and web domain services. To see more details please review our ucisa case study

Service announcements

Jisc Cloud Solutions G-Cloud 12 services

The twelfth iteration of the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) digital marketplace G-Cloud framework starts on Monday 28th September 2020. Jisc has listed its digital products and services on the G-Cloud framework to provide a route to purchase for those organizations that wish to use it. The G-Cloud framework is an agreement between the UK government […]